

Join the atherton facebook page

If you are on Facebook and want to get notifications about what's going on at Atherton, join our Facebook group. It is a good way to keep informed, report issues, and give your opinion about various topics that affect the community. The group is closed and secret. This means that, unless you are already a member of the group, you won't be able to find it in Search. None of the posts will show on your Facebook feed for others to see. Post and comments will only show on the Facebook feed of members of the group. If you want to become a member you can either request to be added by someone that is already a member or send your Facebook email address to board@athertonriverside.com and request to be added to the group. An invitation to join the group will be sent to you via email. Once you accept the invitation, you will be part of the group and will begin receiving notifications whenever there is a new post.